How can you benefit from instruments and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) techniques?

Increased joint range of motion

There is evidence supporting the efficacy of IASTM for increasing joint range of motion.

Improved palpation through the instrument’s resonating ability

Instruments have a property to resonate while sliding over soft tissue areas. Areas with more tone (tension), density and fibrosity feel different and our hand’s mechanoreceptors register it really well while working with an instrument.

Apply more concentrated mechanical pressure

Instruments allow us to implement more focused and deeper soft tissue work compared to hands.

Better access to anatomy

We use different points of our body to perform hands-on therapy. Mostly our knuckles, thumbs, index finger and elbow. Instruments provide more options to find better contact on different structures and body parts.

Spare your hands

Pure hands-on techniques put strain on the smallest joints of our body. Instrument assisted therapy reduces the workload of these small joints, because most of the movements are now performed with larger joints like the wrists, elbows and shoulders.

Allow to implement instrument assisted techniques

Some soft tissue techniques are purely instrument assisted. Instruments give you access to these techniques. Plus many hands-on techniques can also be implemented with new options provided by instruments.

Saves time

This is probably the most important reason, why therapists love instrument assisted techniques. Faster detection of soft tissue dysfunctions, more focused treatment, better contact on anatomic region and less time needed to rest hands. Quicker therapy and improved results.

Instruments make possible many new and effective assessment and treatment options in therapy. Update your toolbox with an instrument and multiple techniques that come together with it.